Corporate Governance Reports

Company Policies

Composition of Committees of the Board of Directors

Appointment of CEO

Expansion of Cement Plant

Other Stock Exchange Reportings


(i) Address for Correspondance
Registered Office: 202, Royal View, B.K.Kakoti Road Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam-781007
Ph: 0361-2464670-71; Fax: 0361-2464672
Corporate Office: 281, Deepali, Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Ph: 011-49805200/300; Fax: 011-27033824/30
Branch Office: CF-361, Salt Lake City, Sector-1, Kolkata-700064
Ph: 033-40046161/62; Fax: 033-40046164
Plant Locations: Debendra Nagar, Jhoombasti, P.O.Badarpurghat,
Distt. Karimganj, Assam-788803
Phone: 03843-269435/881
Fax: 03843-268965
Compliance Officer (concerned person looking after the Investor’s Grievances of the Shareholders) : Saakshi Manchanda
(Company Secretary)
Ph: 011-49805200/300; Fax: 011-27033824/30
Resignation of Compliance Officer Saakshi Manchanda
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (R&TA) [is also looking after the Investor’s Grievances of the Shareholders] : MCS Share Transfer Agent Limited,
F-65, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase-I, New Delhi-110020
Phone: 011-41406149; Fax: 011-41709881

CEO: Mukesh Kumar Shovasaria

(ii) Stock Exchanges & Code
Stock Exchange Code
Bombay Stock Exchange 532916
National Stock Exchange BVCL

(iii)Financial Calander
Quarter Holding of Board Meeting Purpose:
First Quarter Ending 30th June of every year Within 45 days from end of Quarter Unaudited Quarterly Results/Limited Review Report
Second Quarter Ending 30th September of every year Within 45 days from end of Quarter Unaudited Quarterly Results/Limited Review Report
Third Quarter Ending 31st December of every year Within 45 days from end of Quarter Unaudited Quarterly Results/Limited Review Report
Fourth Quarter Ending 31st March of every year By end of May Audited Financial Results

(iv) International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): INE139I01011
(v) Company Identification Number (CIN): L01403AS1999PLC005741

(vi) Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend

Unclaimed Dividend

Dear Investor,

The Central Government has established a Fund called Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) in terms of Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956. The companies are required to transfer to the said Fund the amount of dividend, share application money due for refund, matured deposits, matured debentures and interest accrued on the said amounts etc., which remain unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years from the due date of their payment.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has on 10th May, 2012, notified Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012, whereby the details of investors whose dividends / fixed deposits / refundable share application money / interest due etc. have remained unclaimed for a period of seven years are required to be provided to the Central Government and also to be uploaded on the website of the Company.

The Shareholders may please claim their unclaimed / unpaid amount due to them by making a request to the Company giving their particulars before the same are transferred to the IEPF.

Accordingly, the details of such unpaid / unclaimed amounts alongwith their respective due dates for transfer to IEPF are provided for the benefit of our investors as given hereunder. The Shareholders may please claim their unclaimed / unpaid amount due to them by making a request to the Company giving their particulars before the same are transferred to the IEPF.

Please note that no claim lies against the Company or IEPF in respect of the amount which remained unclaimed / unpaid for a period of seven years from their due date and no payment shall be made in respect of any such claim.

As such, the detailed information is being provided for the benefit of our shareholders.


Description Due date
Unpaid/Unclaimed final dividend amount for the year 2014-15

As per detail attached

Unpaid/Unclaimed final dividend amount for the year 2013-14

As per detail attached

Unpaid/Unclaimed final dividend amount for the year 2012-13

As per detail attached

Unpaid/Unclaimed final dividend amount for the year 2011-12

As per detail attached

Unpaid/Unclaimed final dividend amount for the year 2010-11

As per detail attached

Notice Under Section 160 of the Companies Act 2013

15th AGM Voting Results and Scrutinizers report

Articles of Association adopted in 16th AGM

Articles of Association adopted in 16th AGM


Transfer of share to IEPF

Proceedings of 20th AGM


Details of equity shares liable for transfer to the IEPF authority

Proceedings of 19th AGM and Result


Intimation of Nodal Officer

Annual Report 2017-18

*Please complete all fields correctly
  • Our Office
    Devendra Nagar, Jhoombasti, P.O. Badarpurghat, Distt. Karimganj, Assam
  • General Enquiries
  • call us today!
    03842-239230, 03842-231573